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Our Impact

An anchor for families & critically ill children in medical crisis

38,421 overnight stays to help keep families close to their hospitalized children
168 students enrolled in Ronald McDonald House School (Carter Family Classroom)
5,073+ hours donated by volunteers helping to offset the cost of program operation, and offering care and love to families
7,749 gifts donated for Comfort & Joy from 250 holiday toy drive
104,387 free meals to help keep families close to help nourish families with ill or injured children
8,123 snack packs delivered to families at the hospital
Did you know? 56% of families report household food insecurity, according to 2023 RMHC local impact research study with Stanford Medicine.
$18,524,165 in housing, meal, and support services to families in medical crisis

Who We Serve

Meeting families & sick kids where they’re at

RMHC Bay Area provides medically underserved families and sick children with essential housing, meal and support services as they access specialized care at our partner hospitals.

Did you know?

Family Demographics

Who We Serve

  • 61% are families of color
  • 20% live in medically underserved communities
  • A third speak Spanish
  • 56% of surveyed families reported household food insecurity*
  • 40% of surveyed families reported having to reduce or quit work*
  • 69% of Ronald McDonald House families are low-income
  • On average, families and children are uprooted from their homes and communities for more than five weeks (36 days)—many stay for much longer.

Top Clinical Services Accessed by Patients


  • Cardiology
  • Oncology
  • NICU
  • Organ Transplant

San Francisco

  • Cardiology
  • Oncology
  • NICU


  • Bone marrow transplant
  • Oncology

Learn more about how our new Feed the Love program is tackling food insecurity at the hospital.

Family Impact Stories

Why We Serve

Picture of frontline hero and RMHC Bay Area housekeeper Ana

Meet Ana | A Frontline Hero

For three years, Ana Henríquez has worked behind the scenes at Ronald McDonald House as a professional housekeeper. She says, “As human beings, we have the ability to help children and families who need help. For me it’s easy to take a moment and say ‘Hey, have a cup of coffee, drink some water,’ before they leave for the hospital because I know they have a long day ahead. It’s our job to work, and their job to take care of their children so they can survive their illnesses — and it’s not easy.”

Read more about how Ana is a hero to Ronald McDonald House families.