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Let’s Feed the Love!

Families with sick children at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland face numerous barriers to accessing affordable, healthy food during long days at the hospital. COVID-19 has only exacerbated the food insecurity and financial and emotional stressors they face. Together, we can keep families fed and nourished so they can focus on what matters most — their sick child’s care.

Nora Segura-Barpal

Get involved!

Please Contact Nora Segura-Barpal at nora.barpal@rmhcbayarea.org, (707) 492-5443


Support Our Feed the Love Partners

Eat, order, and cater with businesses who give back 


Sign Up to Feed the Love Oakland

Donate 75 meals per month to families at Oakland Children’s Hospital


Gifts of any amount can keep families fed and cared for during medical crisis