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The Cuevas Family – By Javi’s Side

From left to right are four-year-old Zion, six-month-old Javi, and two-year-old Luca.

A Community’s Vital Role

Luca bonding with Javi.

Baby Javi!

Zion and Luca during one of their visits to see their baby brother, Javi.

“We were still terrified, but the House gave us space and support so we could bring our family back together. It is much easier on our hearts to have a comfortable space where we can sleep, rest, and be together. And Javi has all of us by his side giving him love and strength.” — Sammi, Javi’s Mom

Meet the Cuevas Family

From left to right: The Cuevas Family, Zion held by Dad, Luis, and Sammi holding Luca.

RMHC Kept Our Family Together During Times of Uncertainty

In November 2023, Sammi and Luis learned that their unborn son Javi had 22Q11.2 Deletion Syndrome. They faced the terrifying reality of a heart defect that would require surgery shortly after his birth. The lives of the family of four including 4-year-old Zion, and 2-year-old Luca became a whirlwind of doctor’s appointments and uncertainty as they braced for the challenges ahead.

Javi was born five weeks early and spent 30 days at the NICU in their local hospital in Boise, Idaho. There, Javi gained strength to be discharged expecting his first open-heart surgery a few months later. Their time at home after discharge turned into horrifying ambulance rides, a rotating door at the hospital, and constant fear of losing their son. Javi’s heart surgery couldn’t wait.

The Cuevas family flew from Boise to Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford, expecting to be there for just a week. Instead, Javi endured three surgeries, and the family’s stay extended for months. At first, while Javi was fighting to recover in the Cardiovascular ICU, Sammi and Luis stayed in a hotel 30 minutes away, but the cost and distance were overwhelming. That’s when Ronald McDonald House Charities welcomed them in and brought relief to their difficult situation.

By Javi’s Side 

At RMHC, the Cuevas family was able to stay close to Javi’s bedside, with their two other children, Zion and Luca, joining them. They no longer had to worry about food, laundry, or where to sleep. The House became their sanctuary, allowing them to focus on Javi’s recovery.

The support from RMHC made a world of difference. With home-cooked meals, activities like Tuesday Bingo Night for Zion and Luca, and a community around them, the Cuevas family found comfort and healing amid uncertainty.

Thanks to the generosity of the RMHC Bay Area community, the Cuevas family could stay together and care for Javi when he needed them most.

As parents it was unfathomable to not be at Javi’s bedside for his surgeries, for making tough decisions, and to support him while we watched him struggle to recover time and time again. With the support of Ronald McDonald House Charities, we are just steps away.``

Ronald McDonald House Charities has been a safe landing spot for our family in the hardest season of our lives. Thank you so much to RMHC Bay Area donors, volunteers and staff for holding us so tight and taking such good care of us at our most vulnerable time.``

— The Cuevas Family

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P.S. We have more to share with you about the Cueva’s Family and Javi’s medical journey. Keep an eye on our social media for more updates and sign up for our newsletter.

Donors Make These Stories Possible

Why Your Gift Matters

38,421 overnight stays to help keep families close to their hospitalized children
168 students enrolled in Ronald McDonald House School (Carter Family Classroom)
5,073+ hours donated by volunteers helping to offset the cost of program operation, and offering care and love to families
7,749 gifts donated for Comfort & Joy from 250 holiday toy drive
104,387 free meals to help keep families close to help nourish families with ill or injured children
8,123 snack packs delivered to families at the hospital
Did you know? 56% of families report household food insecurity, according to 2023 RMHC local impact research study with Stanford Medicine.
$18,524,165 in housing, meal, and support services to families in medical crisis