Brennan’s Story — The Best Experience You Never Want

Together Under One Roof, Supporting Families Facing Medical Crisis

When 5-year-old, Brennan was diagnosed with a brain tumor after suffering from seizures. This family’s world changed in a matter of seconds, but from the moment they got the news from the doctors in Reno, Nevada, Jason, Brennan’s dad shares,  “I felt like giant arms picked my family up and carried us all to the finish line. For Jason, Brennan, 8-year-old sibling Regan, and grandmother,  RMHC Bay Area made all the difference.

Oddly enough, our trip to Oakland was the best experience I never wanted to have in my life.”
— Jason, Brennan's Dad

Last year, donors helped us provide over 38,000 overnight stays and 104,000 free meals to families like Brennan’s. Learn more about Brennan’s medical journey and how your donation makes an impact.